Chirag with a Giraffe at The Oakland Zoo in California, USA.
Chirag Patel
Chirag consults on the behaviour management and training of domestic animals kept as pets, exotics, zoo and laboratory animals. His passion is the application of behaviour change science and ethics to improve the life of animals living under human care, especially applying training principles to teach animals to be active participants in their own daily and veterinary care in a stress free manner.
Currently as well as running Domesticated Manners, Chirag works for Dogs Trust as Assistant Head of Canine Training & Behaviour. Chirag also consults for Guides Dogs for the Blind Association and the Kong Company. In 2015, Chirag was invited to join the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA), Animal Training Focus group as the scientific officer and external consultant. He has also been invited and accepted as a Certified Parrot Behaviour Consultant (CPBC), with the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants (IAABC).
Chirag earned his BSc(Hons) in Veterinary Sciences from the Royal Veterinary College in London and a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Animal Behaviour from the University of Lincoln, UK. He also holds an Advanced diploma in practical aspects of companion animal behaviour and training from the Centre of Applied Pet Ethology. Chirag is also currently continuing his education by studying further in the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis. In 2005, Chirag completed an internship in dog behaviour and training with a focus on aggressive behaviour under the mentorship of Jean Donaldson at the San Francisco SPCA and developed his understanding and skills in puppy training under the mentorship of Ian Dunbar PhD, BVetMed, MRCVS. He is also a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers UK (00923) and has previously served on their committee. Chirag is also a member of Karen Pryor’s Clicker Expo faculty.
Susan with a Baby Gorilla
Susan Freidman Ph.D
Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus in the Department of Psychology at Utah State University. She has helped pioneer the cross-species application of behavior analysis to animals, using the same humane philosophy and scientifically sound teaching technology that has been so effective with human learners. Susan has co-authored chapters on behavior change in four veterinary texts, and her popular articles have been translated into 13 languages. She gives seminars on animal learning at conferences and zoos around the world, is a member of Karen Pryor’s Clicker Expo faculty, and teaches yearly hands-on animal training workshops with Steve Martin. Susan was the Parrot Division Chairperson of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) for 2015, the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee of American Humane Association (AHA) Film and TV Unit, and a member in good standing of ABAI, AZA, ABMA and IAATE. Susan’s acclaimed on-line course, Living and Learning with Animals for behavior professionals, has provided even wider dissemination of effective, humane behavior change practices to students in over 30 countries.
Susans' Website: