Practical Puppy Training Instructors' Course (7-Days)
Taught by Chirag Patel

Dahlia, a Miniature Schnauzer spent the week on our 2015 course with us.

Dahlia, a Miniature Schnauzer spent the week on our 2015 course with us.

Puppy training is often looked at as the easy group course to teach; However if you want to set-up a puppy for life, then mistakes made at this crucial point can have a lifetime of consequences. This course has been set-up to provide trainers knowledge, practice and support in this area.

The Practical Puppy Training Instructors’ course has been designed to provide both theoretical and practical skills in teaching puppies and their caregivers in a group setting. There is a focus on the practical application of information and getting hands-on during this course. 

There is a lot of information out there, BUT what is fact and what’s opinion?  How about common questions such as: 

  • Should you have off lead play or not? If so, how do you do this?

  • How do you deal with clients, their questions and those clients that you may label “difficult and unmotivated”?

  • To teach bite inhibition or not? How do you teach this in a way that is practical for our clients?

During the 7-days you will learn how to help puppies develop socialisation skills and teach  their caregivers how to do this. How to create a puppy-human relationship that is based on trust, confidence and empowerment. Focusing on teaching puppies behaviours that are useful for daily living and help prepare them to cope with life’s challenges.

We emphasise that no matter how good you are as an animal trainer you are likely to make a minimal impact in the puppy-person relationship unless you have skills in helping humans change their behaviours too. So during the workshop we place importance on teaching both puppies and people.

Feedback from a student who took the course August 2015:

" Hi Chirag, I just wanted to send you a note to say that I thoroughly enjoyed your course. When I heard you speak for the first time at the Dog Bite Prevention Conference I turned to my husband and said I need to find out more about you, as I wanted to attend a training event with you because I was so impressed.

I love the fact that you are so qualified and experienced to give this information! We got to do practicals but liked that you backed things up constantly with science. Coming from doing a degree with mainly psychology/behavioural aspects your course was right up my street. I loved that the course was structured but that there was time for people to ask questions. I never felt silly asking a question and that's down to your approach, which is very sensitive and respectful.

It's fun and I feel that students build strong relationships and support networks as a result of attending.

I can honestly say this is the best dog training event I have ever attended. I would encourage everyone to undertake the Puppy Instructors course. I can't wait to attend the husbandry and chicken camp next year. So thank you so much for your knowledge, skills, experience and sense of humour.



 Where are the courses held and how much do they cost?

  • Courses are taught internationally and priced around £1375 GBP on average. Please see below for a list of upcoming courses and information about their specific costs.

Who can attend this course?

  • Anyone who is interested in this topic, is open to learning, changing their own behaviour.

  • We only accept 12 students per course.

  • This course is a demanding course, you should expect to engage in active learning through discussion, engaging with clients and puppies.

  • One of our previous students emailed us to say "I would also include a sentence that: it's fun and that students build strong relationships and support networks as a result of attending."

  • Many of our students include professional trainers, assistants, behaviourists, vets, veterinary nurses, groomers, dog walkers, students and enthusiastic owners. Although this workshop is targeted to people working in the field.

What should I know before I attend this course?

  • Have a basic understanding of behaviour science and basic experience of applying this in practice with animals.

    • Eg. Understand principles of reinforcement, punishment, Antecedents, Behaviour and Consequences.

    • We will send out pre-course reading material once students register so that you can refresh and update your knowledge in this area.

  • If you would like to gain this knowledge or experience before attending this course, Chirag offers other workshops that cover this theory and practical. You can contact us to find out more.

What is required of me prior to the course?

  • There are some required pre-attendance study requirements. You are asked to read the following (click on each title for a link to the resource):

One of our students practicing teaching a puppy class during the course.

One of our students practicing teaching a puppy class during the course.

1.    Bringing Out the Best in People by Aubrey Daniels or you can download an audible version.
2.    In Defence of Dogs by John Bradshaw
3.    Article on ABC’s
4.    Article on Science
5.    Article on Classical Conditioning

Will I be able to start teaching puppy classes after attending this course?

  • We have students who have started running classes for the first time after attending this course, students who have rewritten their whole puppy training course and others who make small changes to their existing puppy education programs.

  • This course alone does not qualify you to run puppy classes, you need to ensure that you have other experiences and knowledge in place too. Think of this course as CPD (continuing professional development).

  • Some students may be ready to run classes based on their prior experiences and for others it will be a stepping stone in that direction.

I already teach puppy classes, what benefits will I get by attending?

  • The course has provided many experienced trainers with new ideas for classes and acted as a refresher for their teaching skills. Some trainers have completely re-written their whole puppy course after attending these courses.

Will I get a certificate?

  • Yes, all students who attend will get a certificate of attendance.

What will I be required to do?

  • You can participate as much or as little as you would like. You have the control to opt in and out of activities.

  • Work as a group: This course involves working with other students. You are required to practice arranging an environment that allow all team members to feel safe, comfortable and participate within the team.

  • Presenting: This course does involve talking and sharing work amongst peers.

  • Assisting clients: During this course we have puppies and caregivers attending pre-arranged times, you will be asked to engage with and assist these clients during their visits.

  • Working with puppies: You will be asked to work with puppies during this workshop.

Will there be homework?

  • Yes.

  • The pre-workshop reading to complete before day one of the course.

  • Complete a pre-workshop questionnaire that will be sent to you by the host of the workshop.

  • During the course, there will be tasks set for you to work-on in your own time.

  • We recommend that you clear the seven days of your time as much as possible while attending this course to gain the most from it. Please turn up rested and with a good night’s sleep for day one because we really want you to enjoy and make the most of your course.

Two trainers who successfully complete the course.

Two trainers who successfully complete the course.

Can I attend this course if I don’t run group classes or want to run group classes?

  • Yes, the information about training puppies and people can be applied to individuals.

What time does the course start and finish?

  • All the courses are individually tailored for the country and location they are taught in so times do vary. Please check details on the specific courses. Generally the taught course content span over an eight hour day, each day for seven days. The last teaching day usually ends slightly earlier.

How many breaks will I get?

  • We set time for two 30 minute breaks (morning and afternoon) and an additional 60 minute lunch break. There will be occasions when the break times may be shorter or vary in timings based on the schedule. .

Who will be teaching the course?

  • The course is primarily taught by Chirag Patel. We may have a guest instructor join us ocassionally.

Can I bring my dog?

  • This is venue dependent, please contact the specific course host to find out more. We recommend that attendees make prior arrangements for their dogs to be cared for at home. Dogs bought to workshops will be required to stay in the car and only dogs taking part will be allowed in the classroom.

Will there be evening events?

  • Yes, please see your specific course schedule for further information.

    • Usually we plan a group meal for one evening and an evening talk for another evening.

Will I be able to ask questions?

  • Of course. We ask that students ask relevant questions during the course, but we also provide time for your to ask or discuss questions related to other topics during the workshop.

What is the 'mentor session'?

  • We provide you with a 20 minute one to one slot with Chirag. This session is confidential and you may use it to discuss anything you like from things you have learned during the workshop to questions regarding your own business or professional plans. Please have a think about the thing(s) you may like to discuss during your mentor session.

  • These sessions take place during the workshop day. Eg. Mornings before the start of the workshop, halfway through lunchtime, at a break or at the end of the day.

  • You will be informed of your slot details on day one and you are welcome to switch slots with other attendees if required.

What facilities will be available?

  • This is dependent on the venue. Please see the specific course page for more information.

  • We do recommend bringing layers so you can take layers on and off as required.

  • You may wish to bring a cushion with you to place on chairs for your comfort.

  • Please wear comfortable and safe footwear for dog training. Eg. Heels and flip-flops are not recommended.

Please contact us if you have any questions. 

Upcoming Courses (please click below for booking information):

5th - 11th July 2021 - Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK.

2nd - 8th August 2021 - Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK.